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2021 New Tax Policy and New Accounting Standards Training

2021 is the first year of my country's "14th Five-Year Plan" period. According to the reform and deployment, my country will establish a modern fiscal and taxation financial system. At the institutional level, it will improve the modern tax system, improve the local tax and direct tax systems, optimize the tax system structure, and appropriately increase the proportion of direct tax; At the level of tax collection and management, we will deepen the reform of the tax collection and management system, optimize the method of tax law enforcement, promote the reform of the concepts, methods and means of tax law enforcement, service, and supervision, and further promote precise law enforcement, fine service, precise supervision, and sincere co-governance. Social satisfaction, significantly reduce the cost of collection and collection, and play the basic, pillar and guarantee role of taxation in national governance. ... In addition, the new accounting standards will further comprehensively affect the financial management of enterprises in 2021, which will be the focus of enterprise management in 2021.

In order to enable enterprises to quickly grasp the latest fiscal and tax laws and regulations, effectively solve practical problems in the application of corporate policies, further enjoy the dividends of tax system reform, and improve the professional management capabilities of fiscal and tax seminar".

The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

One, the training object

Professionals from financial departments, investment and financing departments, and taxation departments such as chief accountants, financial directors, investment directors, tax directors, finance ministers, financial managers, tax managers, and investment managers.

2021 is the first year of my country's "14th Five-Year Plan" period. According to the reform and deployment, my country will establish a modern fiscal and taxation financial system. At the institutional level, it will improve the modern tax system, improve the local tax and direct tax systems, optimize the tax system structure, and appropriately increase the proportion of direct tax; At the level of tax collection and management, we will deepen the reform of the tax collection and management system, optimize the method of tax law enforcement, promote the reform of the concepts, methods and means of tax law enforcement, service, and supervision, and further promote precise law enforcement, fine service, precise supervision, and sincere co-governance. Social satisfaction, significantly reduce the cost of collection and collection, and play the basic, pillar and guarantee role of taxation in national governance. ... In addition, the new accounting standards will further comprehensively affect the financial management of enterprises in 2021, which will be the focus of enterprise management in 2021.
In order to enable enterprises to quickly grasp the latest fiscal and tax laws and regulations, effectively solve practical problems in the application of corporate policies, further enjoy the dividends of tax system reform, and improve the professional management capabilities of fiscal and tax seminar".
The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
One, the training object
Professionals from financial departments, investment and financing departments, and taxation departments such as chief accountants, financial directors, investment directors, tax directors, finance ministers, financial managers, tax managers, and investment managers.
2. Training time and place
The first phase
May 19
May 20-23
Beijing National Accounting Institute
the second term
September 8
September 9-12
Beijing National Accounting Institute
3. Training content
Module 1: Full Analysis of VAT Law and Electronic Invoice Management (0.5 days)
I. Interpretation of the Value Added Tax Law
1. Add the concept of taxable transactions, and introduce the concept of "threshold point" into the definition of taxpayers
2. Adjust the taxation scope and classification, and the tax rate collection rate is basically unchanged
3. Add the concept of domestic consumption and redefine the rules for determining "occurrence in China"
4. Simplify the "Deemed Taxable Transaction" item and adjust the "Non-taxable Transaction" item
5. Adjust the definition of "sales" to make it clear that the tax credit will be refunded
6. Allow the combined taxation of value-added tax and adjust the tax period
2. Electronic invoice management
1. Types of electronic invoices
2. Compliance management of electronic special invoices
3. Risk management of electronic special invoices
Module 2. Full-process corporate tax management under the new tax system (1 day)
1. General ideas of corporate tax management under tax reform and sharing of innovative management cases
2. Analysis on the management response to new laws such as capital increase tax law, consumption tax law, urban construction tax, deed tax, stamp duty and other new laws
3. Practical operation and case analysis of financial and taxation management of scientific and technological innovation R&D expenses
4. The whole process management plan for the final settlement and payment of personal income tax
Module 3. Innovative tax management in the context of the integration of business, finance and taxation (0.5 days)
1. Challenges of economic digitalization to corporate tax management
2. Innovative tax management thinking under the integration of business, finance and taxation
3. Business, finance and taxation integration management process and cases for general business
4. Business, finance and taxation integration management process and cases for special businesses
Module 4. Analysis of Difficulties in Enterprise Application after the Full Implementation of the New Accounting Standards (0.5 days)
1. Analysis of the difficulties in the application of income criteria and tax law
2. Analysis of the difficulties in the application of leasing standards and tax law
3. Analysis of Fixed Assets Criteria and Difficulties in the Application of Tax Law
4. Analysis of financial instrument recognition and measurement standards and difficulties in the application of tax laws
5. Matters needing attention on taxation differences in other standards
Module 5: Big Data and Corporate Tax Risk Audit (0.5 days)
1. Big data selection method
1. Double random inspection
2. Basic situation analysis
3. Indicator analysis
4. Industry analysis
2. Big Data Demonstration Analysis
1. Food chain analysis
2. Group analysis
3. Epitaxy analysis
4. Slice scanning analysis method of invoice electronic bottom account
3. Methods and means of tax inspection
1. Inspection authority of tax authorities
Fourth, invoice risk prevention and planning
1. Falsely open the policy change process
2. Focus on the exchange of false invoicing certificates, special and general invoices issued by escaped and lost companies, and risk response to invoices of affiliated companies
3. Classic case
Module 6: Practical Application Analysis of Enterprise Restructuring (0.5 days)
1. Analysis of the statutory methods of corporate reorganization
Applicable conditions and characteristics of seven reorganization methods: change of legal form, debt reorganization, equity acquisition, asset acquisition, merger, division, and asset equity transfer
2. Basic concepts and case analysis for tax treatment of restructuring business
1. General tax treatment
(1) Rules to follow
(2) Case analysis
2. Special tax treatment
(1) Theoretical basis
(2) Rules to follow
(3) Basic conditions
(4) Case analysis
3. Focus on the content
1. The issue of appropriate consideration
2. Taxes on debt restructuring gains will be different
3. Tax treatment of the non-equity payment part
4. Calculation of asset acquisition ratio
5. The problem of carrying forward losses of the merged enterprise
6. Step-by-step trading problems
7. Judgment of cross-border reorganization
8. Determination of reorganization behavior
Module 7: Analysis of Enterprise Income Tax Tax and Enterprise Disputes (0.5 days)
1. Analysis of disputes over income matters
1. The determination of the amount of income under the new income standard
2. Differences between corporate income tax revenue and accounting recognition revenue
3. Confirmation of deemed sales
4. Judgment of the fact that the payment cannot be paid
5. Recognition of other income
6. Recognition of revenue from asset management products
7. Tax treatment of assets acquired through unfair transactions
8. Tax treatment of entrusted holdings
2. Analysis of disputes over deductions
1. The enterprise bears the problem of pre-tax deduction of employees' personal income tax
2. The parent company of the group commends the pre-tax deduction of the personnel expenses of the subsidiary company
3. Tax treatment of equity incentives
4. The policy caliber of pre-tax deduction of employee welfare fees
5. The pre-tax deduction of employee education funds that have been accrued but not actually used
6. Confirmation of the calculation base for the deduction limit of business entertainment expenses for enterprises engaged in equity investment business
7. The deduction of the corresponding expenses if the contract contains tax-inclusive clauses
8. Problems with pre-tax deduction vouchers

2. Tax Preferential Matters
1. Recognition of tax-free dividends
2. The problem of determining the conditions of high-tech enterprises
3. The issue of preferential caliber of R&D expenses super deduction policy

4. Faculty Team (teachers to be hired)
1. Experts from the Ministry of Finance or the State Administration of Taxation
2. Expert team of Beijing National Accounting Institute
3. The expert team of Beijing Huazheng Tax Accountants Firm
Introduction of some experts
Li Xuhong:
Project responsible professor, professor of Beijing National Accounting Institute, doctoral supervisor, director of the Institute of Fiscal and Taxation Policy and Application, director of the Department of Taxation, expert of special government allowances of the State Council, selected into the first batch of tax management talent pool of the Ministry of Finance, director of China Taxation Society, China Director of the International Taxation Research Association, Distinguished Researcher of the Taxation Research Institute of the State Administration of Taxation, Australian Senior Public Accountant (FIPA), and British Senior Financial Accountant (FFA). Experience.
Sun Zhihong:
Certified tax agent, general manager of Beijing Huazheng Tax Agents Office. Ms. Sun Zhihong has been engaged in tax consulting for more than ten years. She has led the excellent team of Huazheng to provide tax services for many large enterprise groups. She has in-depth research on enterprise tax risk control and tax planning.
Since 2010, Ms. Sun Zhihong has led the team to provide special consulting services for a number of large construction groups and financial and insurance companies. She was invited by China Construction Industry Association, SASAC Cadre Training Center, China Construction Accounting Society, China Construction Accounting Academic Committee, Beijing National Accounting Institute, Xiamen National Accounting Institute and customers to provide corporate executives, business personnel, and financial personnel. Hundreds of trainings on the impact and response to the change from business tax to VAT have been highly praised by the trainees.
Ms. Sun Zhihong, as deputy editor, participated in the compilation of "Guidelines for the Implementation of Business Tax Reform in Construction Industry" (organized by China Construction Industry Association, published in September 2016), "Guidelines for the Implementation of Business Tax Reform in Banking Industry" (organized and compiled by China Banking Association, 2017) Published in March), "Guidelines for PPP Finance and Taxation Management in Construction Industry".
Che Xilin:
Certified Public Accountant, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Huazheng Taxation Group, Mr. Che Xilin once worked in the taxation system. After resigning, he devoted himself to tax consulting. He is good at audit risk response, overall tax planning for enterprise groups, tax planning for personal wealth, tax planning for investment projects, construction In the field of tax-related services such as real estate tax planning, he is currently a tax consultant for many central enterprises and listed companies, and has rich practical experience.
Mr. Che Xilin has rich teaching experience. He has recently taught for State Grid, Huadian Group, Guodian Group, China Energy Conservation Group, Beijing Gas Group, China Accounting Society, Beijing Accounting Association, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Inspection Bureau, Hubei Provincial State Taxation Bureau, Liaoning Provincial State Taxation Bureau, Beijing National Taxation Bureau The Accounting Institute, Shanghai National Accounting Institute, Xiamen National Accounting Institute and other enterprises, institutions and associations have repeatedly explained tax-related management practices, which have been well received by the students.
Chen Wuchao:
Associate Professor of Accounting Department, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Adjunct professor of Beijing National Accounting Institute, member of Accounting Standards Professional Committee of Accounting Society of China, anonymous reviewer of Nankai Management Review, and expert of peer review of projects in the business administration discipline of Management Science Department of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is currently an independent director of companies such as Hilanxin, China NSFOCUS, and Zhaoyi Innovation. He has served as an independent director of Shenzhen Development Bank, Jicheng Electronics, Guodu Securities, CITIC 21st Century and other companies. He used to be a Chinese Certified Public Accountant and a Securities and Futures Certified Certified Public Accountant.
Chen Wu:
An expert in auditing case selection. He has been engaged in auditing work for a long time and has rich work experience. He has worked in the county, city and provincial inspection bureaus successively. He has worked in the audit position for 20 years. During the period, he has been dispatched or assisted in the work of the Public Security, Discipline Inspection Commission, Audit Office, and the General Administration, with remarkable results. There is quite a lot of research on precise analysis and precise strike.
V. Completion and assessment
Completion of all courses, after passing the assessment, will be issued a certificate of completion by the National Accounting Institute.
6. Training costs
1. The fee is RMB 4,800 per person (including registration fee, textbook fee, training fee, and certificate fee).
2. The training held at the Beijing National Accounting Institute can provide room and board. The meal is a buffet, and the fee is 120 yuan per person per day. The accommodation standard is 220 yuan/person/day for a single room, 400 yuan/person/day for a business room, and 600 yuan/person/day for a new business room (the accommodation fee includes swimming, fitness, net entertainment, broadband Internet access, etc.).
7. Contact information and registration
Registration consultation:
Mr. Sun 010-64505047
Eight, matters needing attention
1. One day before the start of the class, report to the registration center of the college from 7:00 to 23:00. Students must provide ID cards for check-in and check-in.
2. If there are special circumstances that cannot be held as scheduled, it will be notified three days before the class starts. All training fees paid by the trainees will be refunded. The organizer shall not be liable for financial compensation and other legal responsibilities for the direct and indirect losses of the students, including but not limited to travel losses, lost work losses, etc., due to the failure to start the class as scheduled.
3. Only "training fee" invoices can be issued for training, accommodation and other expenses.

Hargent Tax
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