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Tax Practice Training Courses Successfully Ended


The China Association of Certified Tax Practitioners successfully held a training course on the whole process tax management of real estate projects and taxation practices in the financial industry from 26 to 30 July 2021 in Chongqing. More than 150 firm leaders and business backbones from local tax associations across China attended the training.

The training was based on Beijing Huazheng's professional capabilities and rich service experience, sharing Huazheng's mature service experience and achievements in the real estate industry and the financial industry, which in turn helped the participants open up their ideas of working in high-end consulting business in the real estate industry and the financial industry, and created a platform and opportunity for exchange and win-win cooperation between tax firms and tax institutes.

The lecturers gave detailed explanations on six major topics, namely "Party building in the industry and implementation of deepening taxation reform", "Service transformation and scale operation of taxation firms", "Development situation and core business logic of the real estate industry", "Taxation management practices in the banking industry", "Taxation risks and planning arrangements for the whole business process of real estate" and "Taxation policy analysis and case sharing in the financial industry". The lecturer combined the theoretical basis and specific practical cases to explain in depth the various tax problems encountered in practical work and the ideas for solving them.

The participants listened carefully to the content, experience and methods taught by the lecturers and organised a seminar on education and training for tax associations in the afternoon of the 29th. The participants brainstormed on the changes and trends of the current demand for tax services and how to strengthen the education and training work of the tax association.

The course was comprehensive and focused, with both theoretical lectures and case studies. Through the three-and-a-half-day training, the participants have broadened their horizons and updated their concepts, which is of great significance for the tax firms to better carry out their tax services in the real estate and financial industries.

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