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Hargent Institute Interviewed - Stated Owned Enterprises should Take Into Account Tax Matters when fulfilling ESG responsibilities

Corporate Social Responsibility ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), an investment concept and corporate evaluation standard that focuses on the environmental, social and corporate governance performance of enterprises rather than traditional financial performance, is gradually being recognized by international organizations and large investment institutions. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) has released excellent cases of central enterprises fulfilling their responsibilities and actively explored China's ESG evaluation system.
The Chinese Academy of Governance believes that the current tax policy, especially tax incentives, is conducive to encouraging enterprises to assume social responsibility and better implement the new development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing".
In a recent interview with China Tax News, Wu Xiaoqiang, International Partner, President of the Huazheng Research Institute, suggested that enterprises can carry out the whole process of tax management for science and technology and make good use of various environmental protection tax concessions to promote social responsibility.


Kan Xinyang, Wang Shanhong, Zhang Jian
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